Marketing Duncan Roberts Marketing Duncan Roberts

Know thy customer.

A common mistake we see is business owners fixating on “how do we get more customers” rather than “how do we better understand our customers”? What makes them tick? What are their interests? Where do they spend their time? What media sources do they use? And the most important question of them all… how can we give them that “WOW” moment during the purchasing process?

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Business, Marketing Duncan Roberts Business, Marketing Duncan Roberts

Know thy product.

It is hard to survive in a competitive market if you are doing the exact same thing as your competitors without setting yourself apart with some sort of edge or point of difference. So ask yourself, what are we doing differently that could become a leverage point? Once you have established that point of difference you then need to align your marketing plan to ensure you are highlighting that edge with future campaigns.

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Marketing Duncan Roberts Marketing Duncan Roberts

Doing business with a conscience.

In order for a business to be successful in the twenty twenty’s it is going to have to become more socially aware and do its part. Gone are the days where a big corporation can sweep a misdemeanour or bad practice under the rug and continue on with business as usual. Reputations can be destroyed in seconds these days with social media.

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